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  • Since 1996 Marshak Clinic successfully helps patients to recover from addiction
The main directions of our clinic
Alcoholism treatment
Alcoholism treatment
We provide comprehensive assistance for alcohol problems. Patients are diagnosed with complications of the disease and receive treatment for alcohol dependence in conjunction with the restoration of the functionality of all important body systems.
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Addiction treatment
Addiction treatment
The doctors of our clinic will conduct a full diagnosis of the body. We successfully treat patients suffering from addiction to psychostimulants, empathogens and psychedelics that are common nowadays.
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Other dependencies
Other dependencies
Marshak Clinic has been treating addictions for more than 27 years. Over the years, our specialists have accumulated experience not only in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction, but also in working with other types of addiction.
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Premium branch
Premium branch
Rehabilitation according to a personal program, individual classes on a flexible schedule, round-the-clock service, single VIP-class wards, selection of menus for the patient.
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The Drug Treatment Center "Marshak Clinic" is a faithful assistant in the fight against addiction!

It is almost impossible to get rid of problems on your own, especially if they go into a severe stage and are accompanied by withdrawal syndrome. Every day the patient's condition worsens, so it is important to start a timely fight against addiction. Our specialized clinic will help you with this.

We have been working for more than 27 years. During this long period, our specialists have accumulated invaluable experience, returning patients to a full and vibrant life without alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances. The clinic uses only effective methods of therapy and rehabilitation, which help 80% of patients to cope with addiction.

The work is based on an individual approach to each patient. Here you can undergo a full course of treatment for withdrawal syndrome, reduce the harmful effects of harmful substances on the body. Also, everyone is offered a course of psychotherapy that motivates sobriety, reduces cravings for alcohol and drugs and improves the quality of life.

Conditions of stay in the clinic

The Marshak Clinic Center is located in an ecologically clean zone 33 km from Moscow in the village of Aprelevka. Patients are accommodated in bright wards with modern equipment for a comfortable stay. Qualified medical workers and psychologists are on duty around the clock in the clinic, ready to provide both planned and emergency assistance. Patients are provided with a balanced four meals a day.

Our specialists create author's methods of working with patients with all kinds of addictions. All therapeutic and diagnostic methods are patented. They help to forget about addictions, return to a full life and create a happy family.

Vashkin Dmitry Vladimirovich
Head Physician

Chemical addiction is a serious fatal disease. Every day of drug use brings a person closer to the critical line.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure addiction at home. Also, there is no "magic pill", after which the patient will heal dramatically. If you want to help a loved one in trouble, don't waste precious time on questionable advice from the Internet and on charlatans!

We adhere to a simple view: medical care should be professional. Individual approach, complex therapy and careful psychological support — here is a reliable way to recovery!

Head Doctor
Free consultation

Treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism

We specialize in the treatment of patients dependent on popular empathogens, psychostimulants and psychedelics today. Young people mistakenly believe that such substances do not cause dependence and you can refuse to take them yourself at any time. As practice shows, it is possible to fully recover only in the conditions of a specialized drug treatment center.

Recovery of drug addicts is carried out in four stages:

Diagnostics — it is important to determine which substances, how long and in what quantities the patient takes. DNA analysis is performed to identify existing neurotransmitter disorders.
Detoxification with the help of droppers and medications, the remnants of narcotic substances are removed from the human body. We help to cope with abstinence.
Intensive therapy at this stage, the restoration of physical health of a person is carried out with the help of hardware methods of treatment, medications, physical therapy, massages, etc.
Personality rehabilitation when a person was able to overcome addiction and took the first successful steps to a full life, we help him find new goals and hobbies, interests and areas of activity in which he can realize himself.
Video presentation of Marshak Clinic
  • Treatment steps at «Marshak Clinic»

    Initial consultation with a treatment program specialist

    Consultation by phone or e-mail, chat is possible at any time of a day

    Treatment program specialits will find out the circumstances of the problem and addiction, then will tell about the treatment process of addiction in our center and will offer the most suitable treatment program for specific case. It often happens that a person with addiction doesn't understand or accept his addiction. Our specialists can help you work out the plan to persuade a person to start the treatment.

    Free consultation
  • Treatment steps at «Marshak Clinic»
    Consultation with a doctor at Clinic or home

    Initial consultation with a doctor at the clinic or at home

    The doctor collects a preliminary history, assesses the emotional and physical condition of the patient, tells about the methods of treatment of addiction. If the addict does not recognize his problem and refuses to go to the clinic, the doctor can visit the patient's home and carry out persuasive therapy. In 90% of cases, our doctors with extensive experience working with addicts manage to do this. You can call the transfer machine from the airport / home / train station in Moscow. You can also come to drug treatment on your own (parking available).

    Free consultation
  • Treatment steps at «Marshak Clinic»
    Сlinic appointment and hospitalization

    A doctor's appointment and subsequent hospitalization are carried out in the private addiction treatment "Marshak Clinic". We guarantee complete anonymity, guided by the approved Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 23, 1999. № 327 "On anonymous treatment in drug treatment facilities (units)"

    During the reception, laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out, then the doctor collects a preliminary history, assesses the emotional and physical condition of the patient, selects and prescribes a course of addiction treatment in our center, medications and procedures.

    Free consultation
  • Treatment steps at «Marshak Clinic»

    If necessary, the patient undergoes a detoxification process during the first days after admission to the Clinic to relieve acute alcohol or drug intoxication and remove harmful substances from the body. The procedure takes place under the round-the-clock supervision of a doctor-narcologist and a nurse.

    For the purposes of detox we use the most modern techniques and equipment, for example UROD (ultra-rapid opioid detoxification).

    Free consultation
  • Treatment steps at «Marshak Clinic»
    Diagnostic Treatment program

    The duration of Diagnostic Treatment program is 7 days.

    The goal is to restore all vital functions, to reduce the pathological attraction of "thirst", to form the motivation for recovery and personal development and to develop an individual treatment plan.

    Free consultation
  • Treatment steps at «Marshak Clinic»
    Doctor's consilium

    Consulium is conducted by doctors: psychiatrist-narcologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, geneticist, neurologist, cardiologist.

    Target: to develop an individual treatment program based on genetic analysis (DNA diagnostics), clinical analyzes, psychological diagnostics. A research is issued on the patient, which describes the results of genetic analysis, diagnosis of addiction complications and psychological tests, genetic research, dietary recommendations and kinesiogenic therapy.

    Free consultation
  • Treatment steps at «Marshak Clinic»
    Treatment and Recovery program

    Duration: from 14 days. Treatment can take place completely in the inpatient department of clinic or it can be day / night / ambulatory.

    An individual addict treatment program is applied. Pharmacogenetics (medication selected according to the results of a genetic analysis), medical equipment techniques - Alfa Oxy Spa Narcology, ILIB, ULIB, BF-therapy, as well as psychotherapeutic sessions, physiotherapy, Kinesiotherpay, thematic lectures, family sessions with relatives, co-dependency treatment, individual diet for normalization of neurotransmitter's balance.

    Free consultation
  • Treatment steps at «Marshak Clinic»
    Outpatient treatment and support

    After finishing treatment program, an outpatient program is recommended. The patient undergoes this program outside of clinic and can remotely get support of doctors and psychologists.

    An outpatient program is necessary to ensure that the patient is as comfortable as possible to return to everyday life. After returning to a familiar environment, a person may again have a desire to use psychoactive substances. In this case, sessions with a psychologist, mini-groups of AA and NA are recommended.

    Free consultation
  • Treatment steps at «Marshak Clinic»

    After completing the course of treatment, Marshak Clinic gives a guarantee of 2 years. During these 2 years in case of relapse, the patient is taken for a second course free of charge.

    Within these 2 years, the patient may also apply to the Clinic with questions to his treating doctor and psychologist.

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Our specialists
Vashkin</span> <span>Dmitriy
Vashkin Dmitriy
Head Physician

Medical experience 23 years
Experience in Marshak Clinic 16 years
View profile
Movchan</span> <span>Dmitriy
Movchan Dmitriy
Deputy Chief Physician
Medical experience 20 years
Experience in Marshak Clinic 11 years
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Guevara</span> <span>Leonardo
Guevara Leonardo
Head of the medical department and the VIP department of the Clinic. Psychiatrist-narcologist
Medical experience 19 years
Experience in Marshak Clinic 11 years
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Khairutdinova</span> <span>Yulia
Khairutdinova Yulia
Deputy Chief Physician for Rehabilitation work.
Clinical psychologist
Medical experience 20 years
Experience in Marshak Clinic 3 years
View profile
The effectiveness of our treatment is over 80%.
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Our approach
Individual integrated approach to the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction
  • Anonymous drug addiction treatment
  • Research of the individual causes of addiction
  • Diagnosis of addiction complications
  • Working with relatives
Full course of treatment from detoxification to psychological rehabilitation
  • Persuasion therapy
  • Detoxification
  • Ultra-rapid opiate detoxification
  • Diagnostic Treatment program
  • Treatment and Recovery program
  • Inpatient rehabilitation
  • Outpatient rehabilitation
  • Post-treatment support and guarantees
Highly professional team of specialists
  • Addiction psychiatrists
  • Psychotherapists
  • Psychologists
  • Neurologists
  • Cardiologists
  • Genetics scientists
  • Clinical psychologists
  • Specialists in rehabilitation and working with the family
High level of service and accomodation
  • Comfortable wards with all facilities
  • VIP-department
  • Home cuisine
  • Maid service
  • 24 hour observation of doctors and psychologists
  • 24-hour security of the clinic
Patient's stories
  • Anatoliy, 32 years old
    Anatoliy, 32 years old

    Anatoly came to the Marshak Clinic at the age of 32 years, at that time, the total experience of using opiates left him for more than 10 years. Understanding his problem, he was repeatedly treated, both in public drug treatment institutions and in private centers, but he “broke down” every time, without having the strength to cope with depression and pessimism...

  • Denis, 38 years old
    Denis, 38 years old

    When Denis got to the Marshak Clinic, he was 38. By that time, he had suffered from alcohol addiction for more than 15 years, but, like most alcoholics, he was not ready to admit his problem. At first, strong drinks were an attribute of a festive feast, and then very quickly the moments of sobriety were almost gone. Binges lasted for weeks. At the moments of intoxication, Denis became aggressive, beat his wife, sat behind the wheel drunk. Because of "bad health" problems began in business, frequent absences from work ...

  • Nikolay, 45 years old
    Nikolay, 45 years old

    At the time of admission to the Marshak Clinic, Nikolay was 45 years old. He remembered the last 10 of them with difficulty, because there were almost no sobriety gaps in them. During that time, he unwittingly lost his beloved family, prestigious job, old friends ...

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